
If you are a parent of a child with a disability in California, it's crucial to know that there are extensive services and programs available to assist both you and your child.

Enlisting the support of Joining Puzzle’s team will lead you through the process, offering guidance and assistance in accessing these valuable resources


IHSS stands for In-Home Supportive Services. It is a California state program that provides assistance with daily activities for individuals with disabilities, including elderly individuals, to help them remain safely in their own homes. IHSS offers services such as personal care, housecleaning, meal preparation, and other support activities. The program is designed to support individuals who might otherwise need to reside in a care facility by providing necessary assistance in their own homes. IHSS is often administered at the county level, and eligibility is determined based on the individual's health condition and functional limitations.


IEP stands for Individualized Education Program. An IEP is a written document that outlines the educational program and services designed to meet the individual needs of a student with a disability. This program is developed collaboratively by a team that typically includes educators, parents or guardians, and other relevant professionals.

Regional Center

Regional Center refers to one of the 21 private, nonprofit organizations that are designated by the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to provide support and services to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.


CCS -California Children's Services is a statewide program that provides medical care, treatment, and case management to children under 21 years of age with certain physical limitations and chronic health conditions. The program is designed to assist children with serious health issues that require specialized medical care and services.CCS helps coordinate and pay for medical services such as diagnostic evaluations, treatment, surgery, and rehabilitation services. It aims to ensure that eligible children receive necessary and appropriate medical care to improve their health and well-being.